Author Skills | Writing Prompts | Creative Writing 101

Making Your Own Writing Prompts

Plus: how best to use them for your writing!

JF Danskin
5 min readMay 4, 2022


A writer staring at a notebook, pen in hand
Photo by Marcos Paulo Prado on Unsplash

Lists of creative writing prompts can be so fun and helpful. I have provided some of them here, ready for you to use.

Each prompt can help provide something to kickstart your writing. It could be:

  • a scenario or situation
  • a phrase
  • an idea or concept
  • a picture or mental image

Each of these can, in turn, helps to boost the natural creative processes inside your mind. From a simple beginning, you can soon have a full idea for a story!

The image, idea or emotion in the writing prompt can be enough for you to begin your creative thinking.

The image, idea or emotion in the writing prompt can be enough for you to begin your creative thinking.

However, why rely on others, when you can develop a technique that will allow you to provide as many prompts for yourself as you need?

The technique



JF Danskin

Writing fiction (fantasy especially) and poetry, enthusiast for creativity, collaboration, community. An Editor at the Fiction Writer's Den.