Blogging reflections | Creativity

My 300th Medium Article!

JF Danskin’s weekly update, #16

JF Danskin
4 min readSep 24, 2022


A highlighted calendar
Photo by Estée Janssens on Unsplash

Hey folks.

Guess what — this is my 300th Medium Article!

I’ve been posting for a bit over seven months now (I didn’t do a ‘7 months on Medium’ post, but you can see my half-year reflection here).

It feels like a good point to ask myself a question: What should I change, and what should stay the same?

Over recent weeks, I’ve been trying to follow a semi-regular schedule in terms of what I publish. I explain it in the link below. In short, a general idea of what to publish each day keeps things structured for me, and makes it easier to know what to write:

A simplified version is as follows:

  • Mondays: writing prompts
  • Tues–Thurs: fiction
  • Fri: a piece on how to write
  • Sat: a review of my week
  • Sun: a curated list of recommendations



JF Danskin

Writing fiction (fantasy especially) and poetry, enthusiast for creativity, collaboration, community. An Editor at the Fiction Writer's Den.